Saturday, December 6, 2014

Pinterest in the Classroom

There are numerous ways that Pinterest can be used in the classroom. As an educator, you can type in your subject and grade level and it will give you tons of pins to sort through to get ideas, handouts, lesson plans, classroom decoration designs, etc. Pinterest is a great way to get creative ideas to make your lesson plans more fun than the normal, boring lecture lessons. When teaching Math, it is easy to find lesson plans that are dull and don't seem interesting for students. However, with Pinterest I have found fun outgoing lessons for my future math classes I will teach, including foldables and other neat note taking ideas. As a teacher, you could also use Pinterest as a lesson, by making student create a board for your class and start to research some of the different concepts you teach, such as geometry, algebra, calculus, etc. You can use Pinterest for all other subjects including Social Studies. I used several different ideas of American History, World History, and Government all combined together to form a Project Based Learning using technology based off of ideas and lessons for Pinterest.

Below is a link to an assignment I made for my future Social Studies classes. I an activity similar to it on Pinterest and pinned the ideas to my own Pinterest board, and modified the assignment to meet my state's curriculum frameworks. This goes to show you that Pinterest is a valid place to find and create lesson plans. After completing the instructions for the assignment, I also completed the assignment myself.

I chose this particular lesson because I love to discuss historical events, and hear other people's opinion about what happened in the past. I also chose this assignment to complete because I wanted to see if I could create an assignment and fulfill it as easily and perfectly as I personally thought I could. It's always a great idea to make sure the lesson is doable for you because if you cannot complete how can you expect your students to.

I learned that I did makes some clear instructions, and used the assignment given to fulfill my curriculum frameworks. I felt that I chose an appropriate framework with a huge amount of resources to use and explained step by step directions appropriately.

As a male educator, I thought Pinterest was for female educators only and was not for male educators. However, after this assignment I am assured that Pinterest is a phenomenal tool for male educator, too! I can only blame Dr. Benton now for my Pinterest addiction.

Here is an overview of how I complete the steps for this assignment:

1. Complete research, note taking and images for the topics of World War I, World War II, the Great Depression, Space Explorations, and Civil Rights during the 20th century. Some notes were typed and others were handwritten. Included you will find screenshots of the information and images possibly contained in my report.

World War I

Here is my research websites that I used.

 Here is my two pages of notes for World War I. 

Here is my image search for World War I. 

World War II 

Above  is my research on World War II.

Including notes from my research is a typed page of notes, and handwritten notes.

Here is a screenshot of my image search for WWII. 

The Great Depression

Above is my research and the notes I choose to use for the Great Depression. 

Below are the images I choose to use in my presentation. 
 Places where people lived during the Depression.

 Children waiting for food during the Depression. 

Space Exploration

Notes about Space Explorations

 Below are my image search results for support on my notes.

Civil Rights

Above is my research on Civil Rights.

Below are my images results and the actually images, I choose to use for my PowerPoint. 

 Dr. Martin Luther King, Civil Right Activist 

 Rosa Parks who rode a Montgomery, Alabama bus and refused to give her seat to a white male.

In Little Rock, Arkansas, 9 black students chose to enter Central High School despite the school being a white dominate school, military forced to not allow them to enter. 

2. After completing my research, I choose to make a PowerPoint using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007. Below are screenshots of my PowerPoint directly one after another for my 5-6 minute presentation to the class. 
 Slide #1

 Slide #2

 Slide #3

 Slide #4

 Slide #5

 Slide #6

 Slide #7

Slide #8

 Slide #9

 Slide #10

 Slide #11

 Slide #12

Slide #13

3. After completing my presentation, I began practicing my presentation to present a 5 minute presentation to my class.  After completing my presentation I earned a rubric rating of 58/60. 

4. As a effective educator, I must personally reflect on my assignment I was blessed to learn so many new facts I did not know about our country during the Depression and the World Wars. However, as an educator I may need to limit my research results down to a minimum for my students because the two wars cover a multitude of information. 

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